Consulting Services

Tailored to your organization's needs

Tarea Stout brings a unique set of skills to you and your organization. She has the ability to help you in a variety of areas in relation to Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Transition Services, Program Development and Improvement, and Leadership Development.

Do you need her Expertise and In Depth Knowledge?

  • Medical, Educational, Human Service and Disability Resources

  • Disability Specific Knowledge including Physical and Mental Disabilities

  • Disability Related Laws and Regulations

  • Transition Services through Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation

  • Policy Development and Analysis

  • Regulation and Policy Application

  • Logistics Management

  • Professional Development and Motivational Speaking

  • Coaching

a group of people standing in a line of different colored paper cutouts
a group of people standing in a line of different colored paper cutouts

Do you need help with program creation or modifications?

Do you need help developing your leaders and employees?

Is your program stuck in a rut of processing and not really serving people?

Connect with Tarea to see how she can assist your organization.